Ensuring the security of information systems and data protection is paramount at Implicity.
Our top priorities are protecting patient health data and ensuring safe daily work for our employees.

Implicity has implemented technical and organizational measures for the security of its information system, particularly to protect the data it processes in the context of its activities against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, dissemination, or access to data.
Implicity therefore guarantees:

Implicity is ISO27001 certified for the management of the security of its information system and a “health data host” in France within the meaning of article L.1111-8 of the Public Health Code.
Implicity has implemented the procedures to comply with HIPAA requirements to protect US patient data in the United States.
Respectful of patient privacy, Implicity has ensured, by carrying out an impact analysis, that its processing does not present high risks for data security.